Labels:book | daily | earth | gazette | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: Stackeu be acings s-there is no text hetween "POINTS OF COMPARISON ana "Range. UsuaNy goou spot for bit orintroducton and overiew Qr apitalzaton not accoraing subtopics covered. "house stye check out the tevisions (Revised Version) Points o f comparison There ire nume rous manui fac turers o f cord- les: phones each many differ mod els This compar: son is limited mod from differen companies the CO1 Phone FF 1700 the AT&T Nomad 8000 and the Record-A-Call Model 400 Range The maxi .mum range tests were run outdoors POINT 0F /COMPARISON and physical awav obstructions elect ical Each unit distur hance usually- run Rance out doors, The maxi away imum had than one range depending or whe ther tur hande and physical vou rang 01 talked oveI The wopaa Each urdi usually had Phone har ranqe speaking ra ...